what is tutorku?
Prasmulyans' platform that connects high-quality tutors with students and optimize learning process to be efficient. We are a community that transform passionate individuals into skillful tutors, make tangible impacts.
our mission
We are passionate to develop students and help them to unleash their potentials academically. We believe that every student deserves an efficient learning.
why tutorku?
fast and easy learning
Our teaching method is designed to be easy to understand and excludes unimportant topics.
well-trained tutors
Every tutor that teach you has passed a set of training program, designed to ensure students' understanding.
rich of study materials
Comprehensive exercises and test banks are provided for you to practice and learn at home after class.
Sering Ditanyakan (FAQ)
Bimbingan belajar efektif dan mudah untuk Prasmulyan. Tutor terpilih dengan minimum nilai IPK 3.6 untuk diterima sebagai pengajar.
Privat 1 orang = 350K
Grup 2-5 orang = 550K
Tambahan grup = 90K / Org